As Angelenos countdown to the creepiest night of the year, many U.S. news sources continue their creep to the right. By handing her the microphone, reporters give a dangerous person
Truth Dig l September 29, 2023
Truth Dig l September 29, 2023
As Angelenos countdown to the creepiest night of the year, many U.S. news sources continue their creep to the right. By handing her the microphone, reporters give a dangerous person
New York Times l April 28, 2022
Before George Holliday caught the L.A.P.D.’s beating of Rodney King on camera, the former police officer Don Jackson helped reveal the brutal reality of policing for Southern California’s Black citizens.
The night of Jan. 14, 1989, Don Jackson, a police officer turned activist, arrived in Long Beach, Calif., riding in the passenger seat of a rental car driven by Jeffrey Hill, another activist and an off-duty state corrections officer. Both men wore plain clothes, and clandestine chaperones escorted their Buick. A van carrying a television crew tailed the rental car.
Tasteful Rude l November 11, 2021
In the days leading up to my grandmother’s death, my eyes lingered on her ninety-year-old hands. As a little tomboy, Arcelia’s hands had mesmerized me. I watched them feed cookies
LA Review of Books l January 23, 2020
I called the police after my batterer told me he was thinking about driving me to a desolate California location, fucking me, and then soaking the countryside in my blood.