As Angelenos countdown to the creepiest night of the year, many U.S. news sources continue their creep to the right. By handing her the microphone, reporters give a dangerous person
Truth Dig l September 29, 2023
Truth Dig l September 29, 2023
As Angelenos countdown to the creepiest night of the year, many U.S. news sources continue their creep to the right. By handing her the microphone, reporters give a dangerous person
New York Times l April 28, 2022
Before George Holliday caught the L.A.P.D.’s beating of Rodney King on camera, the former police officer Don Jackson helped reveal the brutal reality of policing for Southern California’s Black citizens.
The night of Jan. 14, 1989, Don Jackson, a police officer turned activist, arrived in Long Beach, Calif., riding in the passenger seat of a rental car driven by Jeffrey Hill, another activist and an off-duty state corrections officer. Both men wore plain clothes, and clandestine chaperones escorted their Buick. A van carrying a television crew tailed the rental car.
Tasteful Rude l October 8, 2021
In “Bad Art Friend,” The New York Times framed a story with a clear pattern of stalking, replete with vexatious litigation, as a quest for justice. The Daily Beast published a story about a fatal
Tasteful Rude l January 12, 2021
Before Benito Mussolini became Italy’s fascist dictator, he worked as a schoolteacher. I find this bit of trivia about Il Duce telling. Most children have their first encounter with public
November 13, 2020
K Romero*, a Mexican immigrant living in Pennsylvania, remains vigilant. After the 2016 election, Romero became active with a local progressive organization, but a commonplace obstacle soon emerged. The organization